Social WiFi

your Retention Gurus: Comprehensive retail marketing

Social WiFi

By providing free WiFi you improve consumers experience and grow your brand leveraging social data.
Our appliance automatically captures the mobile users data which can include email address, mobile number, social media demographics, time/date & more.
Users opt-in to your list and future marketing via Social WiFi access format.
Your brand can retarget consumers with customized email, mobile text or social media messages, promotions or correspondence.
API integration.
Downloadable CSV file of your customer data.

About your Retention Gurus

You work hard to make your customers happy. We work hard to bring them back, again and again. 

Your Retention Gurus, Comprehensive Retail Marketing, formerly The WiFi Company, was founded in 2005 by entrepreneur John Bailey who brings decades of experience in client retention in the service industry.

In the early 2000’s our company began supporting our clients with Managed WiFi Services. We quickly grew to add data collection services and then a much more comprehensive marketing platform.

Your Retention Gurus Have Dedicated Client Support Teams to Market Your Business

We do this by providing you with a state of the art dashboard that either you can fully manage or we can manage it for you.

Our friendly support team is available to help you with Social WiFiReputation ManagementIn-House RadioReservations & WaitlistDigital SignageWebsite Design & SEO ServicesDigital AdvertisingSocial Media ManagementPOS Systems, and additional Outbound Marketing.

We invite you to join our conversations on Facebook and Instagram. Let us help you with our comprehensive retail marketing plan.

Contact Us

If you’re ready to get your very own Guru to grow your business, reach out! We are Your Retention Gurus and we will make a difference for you. 

Call us! Email us! Or just go ahead and fill out that lil ole form. 

We can’t wait to hear from you!